JWC together with National Joint Headquarters conducted an Offsite in Narvik, North – Norway on 15 and 16 October to enhance relations between the two Headquarters. When questioned Lt. Gen Korte, Director JWC, said: "We have conducted a very successful offsite together with The National Joint Headquarter and strengthening existing linkage between NATO and Norway. Joint Warfare Centre and NJHQ are two headquarters with different tasks but one military community with several mutual areas of interest. "
These discussions have resulted in a list of agreed actions that leads to increase synergy between the two organizations and enhance the interpersonal relationship between JWC NATO and Norwegian personnel at NJHQ. One example is the upcoming ISAF HQ exercise, which will take place in Stavanger 3rd -14th of November where we will have several officers from NJHQ participating in our exercise control staff. In parallel with the offsite JWC also had a Battle staff ride focusing on the Narvik campaign of spring 1940 which also took place in the same area. You will find a more in depth report from this event in the next issue of "The Three Swords".