
From 25 June to 6 July, the Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) hosted the Scripting Workshop for the Computer Assisted/Command Post Exercise (CAX/CPX) portion of Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 2018 (TRJE18). Over 220 military and civilian external participants joined the JWC staff in developing injects that will be presented to the Training Audiences during the CAX/CPX.

Working with the scenario material, the core JWC team of Scenario, the Opposing Force (OPFOR) and the Main Events List/Main Incidents List (MEL/MIL) continued the critical task of synchronizing Training Audience and OPFOR campaign plans to develop the CPX design. 

This design guided exercise planners and scripters throughout the scripting workshop, enabling the scripters to develop multiple complex operational-level incidents covering all domains, including Land, Air, Maritime, Space, Cyber Space, Hybrid and Information Environment, based on a fictitious scenario.

Following a first day briefing session to all participants covering content and training objectives, Training Audience and OPFOR plans scripters tackled the scripting requirements in phased blocks of time representing stages of the CPX design.

The scripters observed that the presentation of this material in a wargame format by the Chief MEL/MIL (Canadian Army Lieutenant Colonel Dave Canavan, JWC's Chief MEL/MIL for the exercise) and Chief OPFOR (German Army Lieutenant Colonel Holger Judt, JWC’s Chief Opposing Force for the exercise) was well received and should be considered as a best practice for future workshops. The MEL/MIL team was also pleased with the outcome of the workshop noting that the hard work of the scripters that resulted in a synchronized MEL/MIL script would be reflected in the Training Audience's receiving a challenging execution phase of the exercise.

In addition to the injects scripted, the JWC CAX staff completed the vital task synchronizing the STARTEX conditions of all Training Audience, nation, Response Cell and OPFOR unit strength, disposition and location for the start of the CPX execution phase.

“Joint Force Command Naples (JFC Naples) had two expectations from the workshop”, said the JFC Naples CAX/CPX Officer of Primary Responsibility (OPR), German Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Stephan Dirr, “Firstly preparing a solid base to conduct a successful execution of TRJE18 and secondly to organize the JFC Naples Battle Staff Training in order to prepare the Naples staff. And this is what we achieved, thanks to the outstanding support delivered by the JWC and the Component Commands, Host and Partner Nations and contractors”.

All NATO Allies, as well as partners Finland and Sweden, will participate in NATO’s largest military exercise in recent years, which will take place in Norway in October-November. TRIDENT JUNCTURE 2018 will have an Article 5 (collective defence) scenario, and will be under the command of Admiral James G. Foggo, Commander of Joint Force Command Naples.

The CAX/CPX portion of TRIDENT JUNCTURE 2018 will be directed by Polish Army Major General Andrzej Reudowicz, Commander Joint Warfare Centre (JWC), who is designated as the ODE, or, Officer Directing the Exercise.

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The signature of agreement between JFC Naples and JWC OPRs: Lt Col Dirr and Lt Col Willem de Kant, 6 July 2018

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Further Reading

Exercise Trident Juncture 18 to demonstrate NATO’s ability to defend itself

For more information, visit JWC's Facebook page at