
The Main Events List/Main Incidents List (MEL/MIL) Scripting Workshop for exercise TRIDENT JAGUAR 2018 (TRJR18) was conducted from 12 to 21 March at the Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) in Stavanger.

Exercise TRJR18 will train and evaluate Multinational Joint Headquarters Ulm (MNJHQ ULM) and NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Greece (NRDC-GR) this spring. The exercise will train and certify both NRDC-GR and MNJHQ ULM respectively and independently as NATO Joint Task Force (JTF) headquarters for Non-Article 5, Land-heavy Small Joint Crisis Response Operations (SJOs) under direct command of SACEUR.

TRJR18 is an Allied Command Transformation (ACT)-sponsored computer assisted/command post exercise (CAX/CPX). The scripters added realistic detail to broaden the MEL/MIL story by further developing upon the storylines from the Incident Development workshop that took place at JWC in February.

The scripting workshop included participation from the training audiences MNJHQ-ULM and NRDC-GR and among others Maritime, Special Operations and Air Component Commands, theatre troops and JWC staff.TRJR18 MELMIL Scripting Workshop

A challenge for the scripters was to develop a story stimulating the two Training Audiences, with their Commanders’ unique plans and Training Objectives, and using as much commonality as possible.

According to JWC’s Chief MEL/MIL for exercise TRJR18, Lieutenant Colonel Babinski, the team produced a challenging exercise in a relatively short time period.

"I'm proud of the team that came together to script TRJR18 in a very condensed period. They have produced a very challenging exercise in a 7-week period rather than the usual 4-6 months. Both of our Audiences will face some tough operational dilemmas in their training this summer."

All injects scripted at the workshop were in accordance with the fictitious exercise scenario SKOLKAN, which provides an asymmetric conflict environment with many operational dilemmas that the Training Audience would address in a potential real-world operation.

TRJR18 will be directed by Major General Reudowicz, Commander Joint Warfare Centre (JWC).