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NATO Joint Warfare Centre is a warfare development establishment.
In coherence with the NATO Warfighting Capstone Concept and as a catalyst between conceptual advances and warfighting readiness, the Joint Warfare Centre ensures:
• Adherence to NATO joint operational doctrine and standards
• Implementation of experimentation and new concepts
• Support to the delivery of NATO lessons learned process
“Together! We make NATO better!”
- Major General Piotr Malinowski
Commander Joint Warfare Centre
We support Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation in the development of Allied Joint Doctrine and raise doctrine lessons identified captured during the planning and execution phases of operational- and strategic-level exercises to ensure warfare development outputs are incorporated into collective training events and exercises.
We continuously adapt our training environment and integrate concepts and experimentation into NATO's largest scale command post exercises and training events across the whole spectrum of NATO's 360-degree approach to security. We provide best advice in joint- and multi-domain operations to our training audiences throughout the exercise process.
As part of our warfare development enterprise, we support NATO’s Warfare Development efforts by collecting, analyzing and sharing lessons learned.
Wargaming Design Capability
The Joint Warfare Centre wargame design capability provides NATO and the nations with the tools and knowledge to think differently about problem-solving in a complex and dynamic security environment.
Core Exercise Functions
The Joint Warfare Centre provides NATO's Computer-Assisted Command Post Exercises (CAX/CPX) at the operational and strategic levels, for both Article 5 Collective Defence and non-Article 5 Crisis Response Operations.
Training NATO
Advancing Doctrine
Integrating Concepts
The Joint Warfare Centre is a multi-national and multi-service NATO organization with nearly 270 military and civilian multinational posts representing 17 NATO member states. The Joint Warfare Centre is the first organization in NATO to actively focus and develop its organizational culture with high-performing, cross functional teams, which the Joint Warfare Centre calls its “One Team” ethos to better support its mission and outputs.
One Vision:
The Joint Warfare Centre drives the delivery of collective training and warfare development at the operational and strategic levels of warfare. We are NATO’s trusted advisor bridging Operations and Transformation, underpinning NATO readiness and future capability development. The Joint Warfare Centre attracts and develops the most capable staff, both permanent and augmented, based on a reputation for excellence built on a culture of professionalism, curiosity, innovation, and cooperation.